Thanks for stopping by. I would love to help you start a special needs camp in your area. Here are some resources to help get you started!
Vision, Policies, and Procedures:
To help inspire your vision, here are some photos from Wonderfully Made Camp 2018 and camp activity ideas to get you started.
Trip in Review
Wonderfully Made Latvia (June, 2018) Volunteers from Valley Church in West Des Moines, Iowa, traveled to Latvia to help put on a 4 1/2 Day camp for families of children with special needs.
Planning Resources
Family Camp Schedule Booklet
Fundraiser Ideas
Churches sponsor a family
Church fundraiser meal
Spirit Nights at local restaurants (Chick-Fil-A)
Concession stands at minor league ball fields, race tracks, etc.
Christmas Tour of Homes
Dessert Auction
T-Shirt Sales
Promotional video and giving letters to share with businesses
End of year giving gift